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Food for the Community

During the early days of the pandemic, we (the duo behind Sheila's Catering Co.) had just come back from a catering conference in Las Vegas. While our industry was shutting down globally, we scrambled to use our mandatory 14 day lockdown to make big changes internally and pivot the company. Within those crucial early days, we created a quick online store to offer meals to take home for our regular clientele. But that was secondary to our mission: we wanted to launch an online gifting program, where the local community could buy meals for frontline workers in South Surrey and Whiterock. Within the first 3 months we were overwhelmed with 100's of donations and made over 5000 meals for those working in hospitals and caregiving homes.


The pandemic required us to make drastic changes in how we do business, and we have learned to adapt and change and grow. As restrictions lift and life returns back to normal, we are excited to see where the next adventure takes us. 


Thank you for support and connecting with us through great food and community. 


-Wes Levesque & Brant Darling

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